Source code for afkak.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Cyan, Inc.
# Copyright 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 Ciena Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""KafkaClient class.

High level network client for an Apache Kafka Cluster.

import collections
import logging
import random
import warnings
from functools import partial

from twisted.application.internet import backoffPolicy
from twisted.internet import defer, task
from twisted.internet.defer import CancelledError as t_CancelledError
from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredList, inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint
from twisted.python.compat import nativeString
from twisted.python.compat import unicode as _unicode
from twisted.python.failure import Failure

from ._protocol import bootstrapFactory as _bootstrapFactory
from ._util import _coerce_client_id, _coerce_consumer_group, _coerce_topic
from .brokerclient import _KafkaBrokerClient
from .common import (
    BrokerMetadata, BrokerResponseError, CancelledError, ClientError,
    CoordinatorLoadInProgress, CoordinatorNotAvailable, DefaultKafkaPort,
    FailedPayloadsError, KafkaError, KafkaUnavailableError,
    LeaderUnavailableError, NotCoordinator, NotLeaderForPartitionError,
    PartitionUnavailableError, RequestTimedOutError, TopicAndPartition,
    UnknownTopicOrPartitionError, _pretty_errno,
from .kafkacodec import KafkaCodec, _ReprRequest

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_DEFAULT_RETRY_POLICY = backoffPolicy()

[docs]class KafkaClient(object): """Cluster-aware Kafka client `KafkaClient` maintains a cache of cluster metadata (brokers, topics, etc.) and routes each request to the appropriate broker connection. It must be bootstrapped with the address of at least one Kafka broker to retrieve the cluster metadata. You will typically use this class in combination with `Producer` or `Consumer` which provide higher-level behavior. When done with the client, call :meth:`.close()` to permanently dispose of it. This terminates any open connections and release resources. Do not set or mutate the attributes of `KafkaClient` objects. `KafkaClient` is not intended to be subclassed. :ivar reactor: Twisted reactor, as passed to the constructor. This must implement :class:`~twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime` and :class:`~twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP`. :ivar str clientId: A short string used to identify the client to the server. This may appear in log messages on the server side. :ivar _brokers: Map of broker ID to broker metadata (host and port). This mapping is updated (mutated) whenever metadata is returned by a broker. :type _brokers: :class:`dict` mapping :class:`int` to :class:`afkak.common.BrokerMetadata` :ivar clients: Map of broker node ID to broker clients. Items are added to this map as a connection to a specific broker is needed. Once present the client's broker metadata is updated on change. Call :meth:`_get_brokerclient()` to get a broker client. This method constructs it and adds it to *clients* if it does not exist. Call :meth:`_close_brokerclients()` to close a broker client once it has been removed from *clients*. .. warning:: Despite the name, ``clients`` is a private attribute. Clients are removed when a full metadata fetch indicates that a broker no longer exists. Note that Afkak avoids doing a full metadata fetch whenever possible because it is an expensive operation, so it is possible for a broker client to remain in this map once the node is removed from the cluster. No requests will be routed to such a broker client, which will effectively leak. Afkak should be enhanced to remove such stale clients after a timeout period. :type clients: :class:`dict` mapping :class:`int` to :class:`_KafkaBrokerClient` :ivar float timeout: Client side request timeout, **in seconds**. :param float timeout: Client-side request timeout, **in milliseconds**. :param endpoint_factory: Callable which accepts *reactor*, *host* and *port* arguments. It must return a :class:`twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint`. Afkak does not apply a timeout to connection attempts because most endpoints include timeout logic. For example, the default of :class:`~twisted.internet.endpoints.HostnameEndpoint` applies a 30-second timeout. If an endpoint doesn't support timeouts you may need to wrap it to do so. :param retry_policy: Callable which accepts a count of *failures*. It returns the number of seconds (a `float`) to wait before the next attempt. This policy is used to schedule reconnection attempts to Kafka brokers. Use :func:`twisted.internet.application.backoffPolicy()` to generate such a callable. .. versionchanged:: Afkak 3.0.0 - The *endpoint_factory* argument was added. - The *retry_policy* argument was added. - *timeout* may no longer be `None`. Pass a large value instead. """ # This is the __CLIENT_SIDE__ timeout that's used when making requests # to our brokerclients. If a request doesn't return within this amount # of time, we errback() the deferred. This is _NOT_ the server-side # timeout which is passed into the send_{produce,fetch}_request methods # which have defaults set below. This one should be larger, btw :-) DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MSECS = 10000 # Default timeout msec for fetch requests. This is how long the server # will wait trying to get enough bytes of messages to fulfill the fetch # request. When this times out on the server side, it sends back a # response with as many bytes of messages as it has. See the docs for # more caveats on this timeout. DEFAULT_FETCH_SERVER_WAIT_MSECS = 5000 # Default minimum amount of message bytes sent back on a fetch request DEFAULT_FETCH_MIN_BYTES = 4096 # Default number of msecs the lead-broker will wait for replics to # ack Produce requests before failing the request DEFAULT_REPLICAS_ACK_MSECS = 1000 clientId = u"afkak-client" _clientIdBytes = clientId.encode() def __init__(self, hosts, clientId=None, timeout=DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MSECS, disconnect_on_timeout=False, correlation_id=0, reactor=None, endpoint_factory=HostnameEndpoint, retry_policy=_DEFAULT_RETRY_POLICY): # Afkak used to suport a timeout of None, but that's a bad idea in # practice (Kafka has been seen to black-hole requests) so support was # removed in Afkak 3.0.0. if timeout is None: raise TypeError('timeout must be a number, not None, since Afkak 3.0.0') self.timeout = float(timeout) / 1000.0 # msecs to secs if clientId is not None: self.clientId = clientId self._clientIdBytes = _coerce_client_id(clientId) # FIXME: clients should be private self.clients = {} # Broker-NodeID -> _KafkaBrokerClient instance self.topics_to_brokers = {} # TopicAndPartition -> BrokerMetadata self.partition_meta = {} # TopicAndPartition -> PartitionMetadata self._group_to_coordinator = {} # consumer_group -> BrokerMetadata self._coordinator_fetches = {} # consumer_group -> Tuple[Deferred, List[Deferred]] self.topic_partitions = {} # topic_id -> [0, 1, 2, ...] self.topic_errors = {} # topic_id -> topic_error_code self.correlation_id = correlation_id self.close_dlist = None # Deferred wait on broker client disconnects # Do we disconnect brokerclients when requests via them timeout? self._disconnect_on_timeout = disconnect_on_timeout self._brokers = {} # Broker-NodeID -> BrokerMetadata self._closing = False # Are we shutting down/shutdown? self.update_cluster_hosts(hosts) # Store hosts and mark for lookup if reactor is None: from twisted.internet import reactor self.reactor = reactor self._endpoint_factory = endpoint_factory assert retry_policy(1) >= 0.0 self._retry_policy = retry_policy @property def clock(self): # TODO: Deprecate this return self.reactor def __repr__(self): """return a string representing this KafkaClient.""" return '<{} clientId={} hosts={} timeout={}>'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.clientId, ' '.join('{}:{}'.format(h, p) for h, p in self._bootstrap_hosts), self.timeout, )
[docs] def update_cluster_hosts(self, hosts): """ Advise the client of possible changes to Kafka cluster hosts In general Afkak will keep up with changes to the cluster, but in a Docker environment where all the nodes in the cluster may change IP address at once or in quick succession Afkak may fail to track changes to the cluster. This function lets you notify the Afkak client that some or all of the brokers may have changed. The hosts given are used the next time the client needs a fresh connection to look up cluster metadata. Parameters ========== hosts: (string|[string]) Hosts as a single comma separated "host[:port][,host[:port]]+" string, or a list of strings: ["host[:port]", ...] """ self._bootstrap_hosts = _normalize_hosts(hosts)
[docs] def reset_topic_metadata(self, *topics): """ Remove cached metadata for the named topics Metadata will be fetched again as required to satisfy requests. :param topics: Topic names. Provide at least one or the method call will have no effect. """ topics = tuple(_coerce_topic(t) for t in topics) log.debug("reset_topic_metadata(%s)", ', '.join(repr(t) for t in topics)) for topic in topics: try: partitions = self.topic_partitions[topic] except KeyError: pass else: for partition in partitions: try: del self.topics_to_brokers[TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)] except KeyError: pass del self.topic_partitions[topic] try: self.topic_errors.pop(topic) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def reset_consumer_group_metadata(self, *groups): """Reset cache of what broker manages the offset for specified groups Remove the cache of what Kafka broker should be contacted when fetching or updating the committed offsets for a given consumer group or groups. NOTE: Does not cancel any outstanding requests for updates to the consumer group metadata for the specified groups. """ groups = tuple(_coerce_consumer_group(g) for g in groups) for group in groups: if group in self._group_to_coordinator: del self._group_to_coordinator[group]
[docs] def reset_all_metadata(self): """Clear all cached metadata Metadata will be re-fetched as required to satisfy requests. """ self.topics_to_brokers.clear() self.topic_partitions.clear() self.topic_errors.clear() self._group_to_coordinator.clear()
[docs] def has_metadata_for_topic(self, topic): return _coerce_topic(topic) in self.topic_partitions
[docs] def metadata_error_for_topic(self, topic): return self.topic_errors.get( _coerce_topic(topic), UnknownTopicOrPartitionError.errno)
[docs] def partition_fully_replicated(self, topic_and_part): if topic_and_part not in self.partition_meta: return False part_meta = self.partition_meta[topic_and_part] return len(part_meta.replicas) == len(part_meta.isr)
[docs] def topic_fully_replicated(self, topic): """ Determine if the given topic is fully replicated according to the currently known cluster metadata. .. note:: This relies on cached cluster metadata. You may call :meth:`load_metadata_for_topics()` first to refresh this cache. :param str topic: Topic name :returns: A boolean indicating that: 1. The number of partitions in the topic is non-zero. 2. For each partition, all replicas are in the in-sync replica (ISR) set. :rtype: :class:`bool` """ topic = _coerce_topic(topic) if topic not in self.topic_partitions: return False if not self.topic_partitions[topic]: # Don't consider an empty partition list 'fully replicated' return False return all( self.partition_fully_replicated(TopicAndPartition(topic, p)) for p in self.topic_partitions[topic] )
[docs] def close(self): """Permanently dispose of the client - Immediately mark the client as closed, causing current operations to fail with :exc:`~afkak.common.CancelledError` and future operations to fail with :exc:`~afkak.common.ClientError`. - Clear cached metadata. - Close any connections to Kafka brokers. :returns: deferred that fires when all resources have been released """ # If we're already waiting on an/some outstanding disconnects # make sure we continue to wait for them... log.debug("%r: close", self) self._closing = True # Close down any clients we have brokerclients, self.clients = self.clients, None self._close_brokerclients(brokerclients.values()) # clean up other outstanding operations self.reset_all_metadata() return self.close_dlist or defer.succeed(None)
# TODO: Expose a public method with useful postconditions like this. @defer.inlineCallbacks def _load_topic_partitions(self, *topics): """ Load the partition metadata for topics. This method :param str topics: Topic names to look up. The resulting metadata includes the list of topic partitions, brokers owning those partitions, and which partitions are in sync. Fetching metadata for a topic may trigger auto-creation if that is enabled on the Kafka broker. You must specify at least one topic name. :returns: :class:`Deferred` that fires with a snapshot of the partitions in each topic. The snapshot guarantees: - An entry is present for each requested topic. - No requested topic is in an error state (:meth:`metadata_error_for_topic()` would return 0). - The list of partitions is non-empty. Note that partitions may not be able to accept produce or consume requests. Topic metadata becomes visible before partitions are assigned to brokers or created on-disk. :rtype: Deferred[Mapping[str, List[int]]] """ assert topics topics = tuple(_coerce_topic(t) for t in topics) attempt = 1 while True: correlationId = self._next_id() request = KafkaCodec.encode_metadata_request(self._clientIdBytes, correlationId, topics) log.debug('%r: load_topic_partitions %r %s', self, topics, _ReprRequest(request)) response = yield self._send_broker_unaware_request(correlationId, request) brokers, topics = KafkaCodec.decode_metadata_response(response) self._merge_topic_metadata(brokers, topics, fetched_all_topics=False) missing = [] snapshot = {} for topic in topics: errno = self.metadata_error_for_topic(topic) partitions = self.topic_partitions.get(topic) if errno != 0: missing.append('{}: {}'.format(topic, _pretty_errno(errno))) elif not partitions: missing.append(topic + ': no partitions') else: snapshot[topic] = self.topic_partitions[topic] if missing: delay = self._retry_policy(attempt) log.debug( '%r: load_topic_partitions %s attempt %d failed: %s. Will retry in %.2f seconds.', self, _ReprRequest(request), attempt, ', '.join(missing), delay, ) attempt += 1 yield task.deferLater(self.reactor, delay, lambda: None) else: log.debug("%r: load_topic_partitions -> %r", self, snapshot) returnValue(snapshot)
[docs] def load_metadata_for_topics(self, *topics): """Discover topic metadata and brokers Afkak internally calls this method whenever metadata is required. :param str topics: Topic names to look up. The resulting metadata includes the list of topic partitions, brokers owning those partitions, and which partitions are in sync. Fetching metadata for a topic may trigger auto-creation if that is enabled on the Kafka broker. When no topic name is given metadata for *all* topics is fetched. This is an expensive operation, but it does not trigger topic creation. :returns: :class:`Deferred` for the completion of the metadata fetch. This will fire with ``True`` on success, ``None`` on cancellation, or fail with an exception on error. On success, topic metadata is available from the attributes of :class:`KafkaClient`: :data:`~KafkaClient.topic_partitions`, :data:`~KafkaClient.topics_to_brokers`, etc. """ topics = tuple(_coerce_topic(t) for t in topics) log.debug("%r: load_metadata_for_topics(%s)", self, ', '.join(repr(t) for t in topics)) fetch_all_metadata = not topics # create the request requestId = self._next_id() request = KafkaCodec.encode_metadata_request(self._clientIdBytes, requestId, topics) # Callbacks for the request deferred... def _handleMetadataResponse(response): brokers, topics = KafkaCodec.decode_metadata_response(response) self._merge_topic_metadata(brokers, topics, fetch_all_metadata) return True def _handleMetadataErr(failure): # This should maybe do more cleanup? if failure.check(t_CancelledError, CancelledError): # Eat the error # XXX Shouldn't this return False? The success branch # returns True. return None log.error("Failed to load metadata for topics=%r", topics, exc_info=(failure.type, failure.value, failure.getTracebackObject())) raise KafkaUnavailableError( "Failed to load metadata for topics={!r}: {}".format(topics, failure.value), ) from failure.value # Send the request, add the handlers d = self._send_broker_unaware_request(requestId, request) d.addCallbacks(_handleMetadataResponse, _handleMetadataErr) return d
def _merge_topic_metadata(self, brokers, topics, fetched_all_topics): log.debug("%r: merging topic metadata brokers=%r topics=%r (fetched_all_topics=%r)", self, brokers, topics, fetched_all_topics) # Iff we were fetching for all topics, and we got at least one # broker back, then remove brokers when we update our brokers ok_to_remove = (fetched_all_topics and len(brokers)) # Take the metadata we got back, update our self.clients, and # if needed disconnect or connect from/to old/new brokers self._update_brokers(brokers.values(), remove=ok_to_remove) # Now loop through all the topics/partitions in the response # and setup our cache/data-structures for topic, topic_metadata in topics.items(): _, topic_error, partitions = topic_metadata self.reset_topic_metadata(topic) self.topic_errors[topic] = topic_error if not partitions: log.warning( 'Topic %r has no partitions: topic_error=%s', topic, _pretty_errno(topic_error), ) continue self.topic_partitions[topic] = [] for partition, meta in partitions.items(): self.topic_partitions[topic].append(partition) topic_part = TopicAndPartition(topic, partition) self.partition_meta[topic_part] = meta if meta.leader == -1: log.warning('No leader for topic %s partition %s', topic, partition) self.topics_to_brokers[topic_part] = None else: self.topics_to_brokers[topic_part] = brokers[meta.leader] self.topic_partitions[topic].sort()
[docs] def load_consumer_metadata_for_group(self, group): """ Deprecated alias of :meth:`load_coordinator_for_group()` """ warnings.warn( "load_consumer_metadata_for_group() has been renamed load_coordinator_for_group()", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.load_coordinator_for_group(group)
@property def consumer_group_to_brokers(self): # TODO: Deprecate this. return self._group_to_coordinator.copy()
[docs] def load_coordinator_for_group(self, group): """ Determine the coordinator broker for the named group Returns a deferred which callbacks with True if the group's coordinator could be determined, or errbacks with `CoordinatorNotAvailable` if not. Parameters ---------- group: group name as `str` """ group = _coerce_consumer_group(group) log.debug("%r: load_coordinator_for_group(%r)", self, group) # If we are already loading the metadata for this group, then # just wait for the ongoing load to complete. if group in self._coordinator_fetches: d = defer.Deferred() self._coordinator_fetches[group][1].append(d) return d # No outstanding request, create a new one requestId = self._next_id() request = KafkaCodec.encode_consumermetadata_request( self._clientIdBytes, requestId, group) # Callbacks for the request deferred... def _handleConsumerMetadataResponse(response_bytes): # Decode the response (returns ConsumerMetadataResponse) response = KafkaCodec.decode_consumermetadata_response(response_bytes) log.debug("%r: load_coordinator_for_group(%r) -> %r", self, group, response) BrokerResponseError.raise_for_errno(response.error, response) bm = BrokerMetadata(response.node_id,, response.port) self._group_to_coordinator[group] = bm self._update_brokers([bm]) return True def _handleConsumerMetadataErr(err): log.error("Failed to retrieve consumer metadata for group %r", group, exc_info=(err.type, err.value, err.getTracebackObject())) # Clear any stored value for the group's coordinator self.reset_consumer_group_metadata(group) raise CoordinatorNotAvailable( "Coordinator for group {!r} not available".format(group), ) from err.value def _propagate(result): [_, ds] = self._coordinator_fetches.pop(group) for d in ds: d.callback(result) # Send the request, add the handlers request_d = self._send_broker_unaware_request(requestId, request) d = defer.Deferred() # Save the deferred under the fetches for this group self._coordinator_fetches[group] = (request_d, [d]) request_d.addCallback(_handleConsumerMetadataResponse) request_d.addErrback(_handleConsumerMetadataErr) request_d.addBoth(_propagate) return d
[docs] @inlineCallbacks def send_produce_request(self, payloads=None, acks=1, timeout=DEFAULT_REPLICAS_ACK_MSECS, fail_on_error=True, callback=None): """ Encode and send some ProduceRequests ProduceRequests will be grouped by (topic, partition) and then sent to a specific broker. Output is a list of responses in the same order as the list of payloads specified Parameters ---------- payloads: list of ProduceRequest acks: How many Kafka broker replicas need to write before the leader replies with a response timeout: How long the server has to receive the acks from the replicas before returning an error. fail_on_error: boolean, should we raise an Exception if we encounter an API error? callback: function, instead of returning the ProduceResponse, first pass it through this function Return ------ a deferred which callbacks with a list of ProduceResponse Raises ------ FailedPayloadsError, LeaderUnavailableError, PartitionUnavailableError """ encoder = partial( KafkaCodec.encode_produce_request, acks=acks, timeout=timeout) if acks == 0: decoder = None else: decoder = KafkaCodec.decode_produce_response resps = yield self._send_broker_aware_request( payloads, encoder, decoder) returnValue(self._handle_responses(resps, fail_on_error, callback))
[docs] @inlineCallbacks def send_fetch_request(self, payloads=None, fail_on_error=True, callback=None, max_wait_time=DEFAULT_FETCH_SERVER_WAIT_MSECS, min_bytes=DEFAULT_FETCH_MIN_BYTES): """ Encode and send a FetchRequest Payloads are grouped by topic and partition so they can be pipelined to the same brokers. Raises ====== FailedPayloadsError, LeaderUnavailableError, PartitionUnavailableError """ if (max_wait_time / 1000) > (self.timeout - 0.1): raise ValueError( "%r: max_wait_time: %d must be less than client.timeout by " "at least 100 milliseconds.", self, max_wait_time) encoder = partial(KafkaCodec.encode_fetch_request, max_wait_time=max_wait_time, min_bytes=min_bytes) # resps is a list of FetchResponse() objects, each of which can hold # 1-n messages. resps = yield self._send_broker_aware_request( payloads, encoder, KafkaCodec.decode_fetch_response) returnValue(self._handle_responses(resps, fail_on_error, callback))
[docs] @inlineCallbacks def send_offset_request(self, payloads=None, fail_on_error=True, callback=None): resps = yield self._send_broker_aware_request( payloads, KafkaCodec.encode_offset_request, KafkaCodec.decode_offset_response) returnValue(self._handle_responses(resps, fail_on_error, callback))
[docs] @inlineCallbacks def send_offset_fetch_request(self, group, payloads=None, fail_on_error=True, callback=None): """ Takes a group (string) and list of OffsetFetchRequest and returns a list of OffsetFetchResponse objects """ encoder = partial(KafkaCodec.encode_offset_fetch_request, group=group) decoder = KafkaCodec.decode_offset_fetch_response resps = yield self._send_broker_aware_request( payloads, encoder, decoder, consumer_group=group) returnValue(self._handle_responses( resps, fail_on_error, callback, group))
[docs] @inlineCallbacks def send_offset_commit_request(self, group, payloads=None, fail_on_error=True, callback=None, group_generation_id=-1, consumer_id=''): """Send a list of OffsetCommitRequests to the Kafka broker for the given consumer group. Args: group (str): The consumer group to which to commit the offsets payloads ([OffsetCommitRequest]): List of topic, partition, offsets to commit. fail_on_error (bool): Whether to raise an exception if a response from the Kafka broker indicates an error callback (callable): a function to call with each of the responses before returning the returned value to the caller. group_generation_id (int): Must currently always be -1 consumer_id (str): Must currently always be empty string Returns: [OffsetCommitResponse]: List of OffsetCommitResponse objects. Will raise KafkaError for failed requests if fail_on_error is True """ group = _coerce_consumer_group(group) encoder = partial(KafkaCodec.encode_offset_commit_request, group=group, group_generation_id=group_generation_id, consumer_id=consumer_id) decoder = KafkaCodec.decode_offset_commit_response resps = yield self._send_broker_aware_request( payloads, encoder, decoder, consumer_group=group) returnValue(self._handle_responses(resps, fail_on_error, callback, group))
# # # Private Methods # # # def _handle_responses(self, responses, fail_on_error, callback=None, consumer_group=None): out = [] for resp in responses: try: BrokerResponseError.raise_for_errno(resp.error, resp) except (UnknownTopicOrPartitionError, NotLeaderForPartitionError): log.warning( 'Clearing cached metadata for topic %r due to error=%s in %r', resp.topic, _pretty_errno(resp.error), resp, ) self.reset_topic_metadata(resp.topic) if fail_on_error: raise except (CoordinatorLoadInProgress, NotCoordinator, CoordinatorNotAvailable): log.warning( 'Clearing cached metadata for group %r due to error=%s in %s', consumer_group, _pretty_errno(resp.error), resp, ) self.reset_consumer_group_metadata(consumer_group) if fail_on_error: raise if callback is not None: out.append(callback(resp)) else: out.append(resp) return out def _get_brokerclient(self, node_id): """ Get a broker client. :param int node_id: Broker node ID :raises KeyError: for an unknown node ID :returns: :class:`_KafkaBrokerClient` """ if self._closing: raise ClientError("Cannot get broker client for node_id={}: {} has been closed".format(node_id, self)) if node_id not in self.clients: broker_metadata = self._brokers[node_id] log.debug("%r: creating client for %s", self, broker_metadata) self.clients[node_id] = _KafkaBrokerClient( self.reactor, self._endpoint_factory, broker_metadata, self.clientId, self._retry_policy, ) return self.clients[node_id] def _close_brokerclients(self, clients): """ Close the given broker clients. :param clients: Iterable of `_KafkaBrokerClient` """ def _log_close_failure(failure, brokerclient): log.debug( 'BrokerClient: %s close result: %s: %s', brokerclient, failure.type.__name__, failure.getErrorMessage()) def _clean_close_dlist(result, close_dlist): # If there aren't any other outstanding closings going on, then # close_dlist == self.close_dlist, and we can reset it. if close_dlist == self.close_dlist: self.close_dlist = None if not self.close_dlist: dList = [] else: log.debug("%r: _close_brokerclients has nested deferredlist: %r", self, self.close_dlist) dList = [self.close_dlist] for brokerClient in clients: log.debug("Calling close on: %r", brokerClient) d = brokerClient.close().addErrback(_log_close_failure, brokerClient) dList.append(d) self.close_dlist = DeferredList(dList) self.close_dlist.addBoth(_clean_close_dlist, self.close_dlist) def _update_brokers(self, brokers, remove=False): """ Update `self._brokers` and `self.clients` Update our self.clients based on brokers in received metadata Take the received dict of brokers and reconcile it with our current list of brokers (self.clients). If there is a new one, bring up a new connection to it, and if remove is True, and any in our current list aren't in the metadata returned, disconnect from it. :param brokers: Iterable of `BrokerMetadata`. A client will be created for every broker given if it doesn't yet exist. :param bool remove: Is this metadata for *all* brokers? If so, clients for brokers which are no longer found in the metadata will be closed. """ log.debug("%r: _update_brokers(%r, remove=%r)", self, brokers, remove) brokers_by_id = {bm.node_id: bm for bm in brokers} self._brokers.update(brokers_by_id) # Update the metadata of broker clients that already exist. for node_id, broker_meta in brokers_by_id.items(): if node_id not in self.clients: continue self.clients[node_id].updateMetadata(broker_meta) # Remove any clients for brokers which no longer exist. if remove: to_close = [ self.clients.pop(node_id) for node_id in set(self.clients) - set(brokers_by_id) ] if to_close: self._close_brokerclients(to_close) @inlineCallbacks def _get_leader_for_partition(self, topic, partition): """ Returns the leader for a partition or None if the partition exists but has no leader. PartitionUnavailableError will be raised if the topic or partition is not part of the metadata. """ key = TopicAndPartition(topic, partition) # reload metadata whether the partition is not available # or has no leader (broker is None) if self.topics_to_brokers.get(key) is None: yield self.load_metadata_for_topics(topic) if key not in self.topics_to_brokers: raise PartitionUnavailableError("%s not available" % str(key)) returnValue(self.topics_to_brokers[key]) @inlineCallbacks def _get_coordinator_for_group(self, consumer_group): """Returns the coordinator (broker) for a consumer group Returns the broker for a given consumer group or Raises CoordinatorNotAvailable """ if self._group_to_coordinator.get(consumer_group) is None: yield self.load_coordinator_for_group(consumer_group) returnValue(self._group_to_coordinator.get(consumer_group)) def _next_id(self): """Generate a new correlation id.""" # modulo to keep within int32 (signed) self.correlation_id = (self.correlation_id + 1) % 2**31 return self.correlation_id def _make_request_to_broker(self, broker, correlationId, request, expectResponse=True, min_timeout=None): """ Send a request to the specified broker, with timeout logic. """ rr = _ReprRequest(request) issued = self.reactor.seconds() failure = None if min_timeout is not None: timeout = max(self.timeout, min_timeout) else: timeout = self.timeout def _mrtb_timeout(): """ The time we allotted for the request expired, so cancel it. The result will be a `RequestTimedOutError` failure. We log both the original timeout and the elapsed time. If these values are significantly different it may indicate an overloaded or blocked reactor. If we are configured to disconnect from the broker on timeout (to work around a Kafka bug), now is the time. """ nonlocal failure elapsed = self.reactor.seconds() - issued log.warning('_mrtb: Timing out %s after %.2f sec (%.2f sec elapsed)', rr, timeout, elapsed) failure = Failure( RequestTimedOutError( '{} timed out after {:.2f} sec ({:.2f} sec elapsed)'.format(rr, timeout, elapsed), ), ) d.cancel() if self._disconnect_on_timeout:'_mrtb: Disconnecting %s due to timeout of %s', broker, rr) broker.disconnect() def _mrtb_cb(result): """ The request deferred fired. Cancel the timeout delayed call if it is active. Otherwise the request timed out, so override its result with timeout failure. """ nonlocal failure if dc.cancel() if failure is not None: return failure return result if min_timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout else: timeout = max(self.timeout, min_timeout) # Make the request to the specified broker log.debug('_mrtb: sending %s to broker %r with timeout=%.2f', rr, broker, timeout) d = broker.makeRequest(correlationId, request, expectResponse) # Set a delayedCall to fire if we don't get a reply in time dc = self.reactor.callLater(timeout, _mrtb_timeout) # Setup a callback on the request deferred to cancel both callLater d.addBoth(_mrtb_cb) return d @inlineCallbacks def _send_broker_unaware_request(self, requestId, request): """ Attempt to send a broker-agnostic request to one of the known brokers: 1. Try each connected broker (in random order) 2. Try each known but unconnected broker (in random order) 3. Try each of the bootstrap hosts (in random order) :param bytes request: The bytes of a Kafka `RequestMessage`_ structure. It must have a unique (to this connection) correlation ID. :returns: API response message for *request* :rtype: Deferred[bytes] :raises: `KafkaUnavailableError` when making the request of all known hosts has failed. """ if self._closing: raise ClientError("Cannot send request {}: {} has been closed".format(_ReprRequest(request), self)) node_ids = list(self._brokers.keys()) # Randomly shuffle the brokers to distribute the load random.shuffle(node_ids) # Prioritize connected brokers def connected(node_id): try: return self.clients[node_id].connected() except KeyError: return False node_ids.sort(reverse=True, key=connected) for node_id in node_ids: broker = self._get_brokerclient(node_id) try: log.debug('_sbur: sending %s to broker %r', _ReprRequest(request), broker) d = self._make_request_to_broker(broker, requestId, request) resp = yield d returnValue(resp) except KafkaError as e: log.warning(( "Will try next server after %s" " failed against server %s:%i. Error: %s" ), _ReprRequest(request),, broker.port, e) # The request was not handled, likely because no broker metadata has # loaded yet (or all broker connections have failed). Fall back to # boostrapping. returnValue((yield self._send_bootstrap_request(request))) @inlineCallbacks def _send_bootstrap_request(self, request): """Make a request using an ephemeral broker connection This routine is used to make broker-unaware requests to get the initial cluster metadata. It cycles through the configured hosts, trying to connect and send the request to each in turn. This temporary connection is closed once a response is received. Note that most Kafka APIs require requests be sent to a specific broker. This method will only function for broker-agnostic requests like: * `Metadata <>`_ * `FindCoordinator <>`_ :param bytes request: The bytes of a Kafka `RequestMessage`_ structure. It must have a unique (to this connection) correlation ID. :returns: API response message for *request* :rtype: Deferred[bytes] :raises: - `KafkaUnavailableError` when making the request of all known hosts has failed. - `twisted.internet.defer.TimeoutError` when connecting or making a request exceeds the timeout. """ hostports = list(self._bootstrap_hosts) random.shuffle(hostports) for host, port in hostports: ep = self._endpoint_factory(self.reactor, host, port) try: protocol = yield ep.connect(_bootstrapFactory) except Exception as e: log.debug("%s: bootstrap connect to %s:%s -> %s", self, host, port, e) continue try: response = yield protocol.request(request).addTimeout(self.timeout, self.reactor) except Exception: log.debug("%s: bootstrap %s to %s:%s failed", self, _ReprRequest(request), host, port, exc_info=True) else: returnValue(response) finally: protocol.transport.loseConnection() raise KafkaUnavailableError("Failed to bootstrap from hosts {}".format(hostports)) @inlineCallbacks def _send_broker_aware_request(self, payloads, encoder_fn, decode_fn, consumer_group=None): """ Group a list of request payloads by topic+partition and send them to the leader broker for that partition using the supplied encode/decode functions If *consumer_group* is given requests are routed to the group coordinator for that group. :param list payloads: list of object-like entities with a topic and partition attribute. payloads must be grouped by (topic, partition) tuples. :param encode_fn: a method to encode the list of payloads to a request body, must accept client_id, correlation_id, and payloads as keyword arguments :param decode_fn: a method to decode a response body into response objects. The response objects must be object-like and have topic and partition attributes :param consumer_group: Indicates the request should be directed to the Offset Coordinator for the specified consumer_group. :type consumer_group: Optional[str] :returns: deferred yielding a list of response objects in the same order as the supplied payloads, or None if decode_fn is None. :raises: :exc:`FailedPayloadsError`, :exc:`LeaderUnavailableError`, :exc:`PartitionUnavailableError` """ # Calling this without payloads is nonsensical if not payloads: raise ValueError("Payloads parameter is empty") # Group the requests by topic+partition original_keys = [] payloads_by_broker = collections.defaultdict(list) # Go through all the payloads, lookup the leader/coordinator for that # payload's topic/partition or consumer group. If there's no # leader/coordinator (broker), raise. For each broker, keep # a list of the payloads to be sent to it. Also, for each payload in # the list of payloads, make a corresponding list (original_keys) with # the topic/partition in the same order, so we can lookup the returned # result(s) by that topic/partition key in the set of returned results # and return them in a list the same order the payloads were supplied for payload in payloads: # get leader/coordinator, depending on consumer_group if consumer_group is None: leader = yield self._get_leader_for_partition( payload.topic, payload.partition) if leader is None: raise LeaderUnavailableError( "Leader not available for topic %s partition %s" % (payload.topic, payload.partition)) else: leader = yield self._get_coordinator_for_group(consumer_group) if leader is None: raise CoordinatorNotAvailable( "Coordinator not available for group: %s" % (consumer_group)) payloads_by_broker[leader].append(payload) original_keys.append((payload.topic, payload.partition)) # Accumulate the responses in a dictionary acc = {} # The kafka server doesn't send replies to produce requests # with acks=0. In that case, our decode_fn will be # None, and we need to let the brokerclient know not # to expect a reply. makeRequest() returns a deferred # regardless, but in the expectResponse=False case, it will # fire as soon as the request is sent, and it can errBack() # due to being cancelled prior to the broker being able to # send the request. expectResponse = decode_fn is not None # keep a list of payloads that were failed to be sent to brokers failed_payloads = [] # Keep track of outstanding requests in a list of deferreds inFlight = [] # and the payloads that go along with them payloadsList = [] # For each broker, send the list of request payloads, for broker_meta, payloads in payloads_by_broker.items(): broker = self._get_brokerclient(broker_meta.node_id) requestId = self._next_id() request = encoder_fn(client_id=self._clientIdBytes, correlation_id=requestId, payloads=payloads) # Make the request d = self._make_request_to_broker(broker, requestId, request, expectResponse=expectResponse) inFlight.append(d) payloadsList.append(payloads) # Wait for all the responses to come back, or the requests to fail results = yield DeferredList(inFlight, consumeErrors=True) # We now have a list of (succeeded, response/Failure) tuples. Check 'em for (success, response), payloads in zip(results, payloadsList): if not success: # The brokerclient deferred was errback()'d: # The send failed, or this request was cancelled (by timeout) log.debug("%r: request:%r to broker failed: %r", self, payloads, response) failed_payloads.extend([(p, response) for p in payloads]) continue if not expectResponse: continue # Successful request/response. Decode it and store by topic/part for response in decode_fn(response): acc[(response.topic, response.partition)] = response # Order the accumulated responses by the original key order # Note that this scheme will throw away responses which we did # not request. See test_send_fetch_request, where the response # includes an error, but for a topic/part we didn't request. # Since that topic/partition isn't in original_keys, we don't pass # it back from here and it doesn't error out. # If any of the payloads failed, fail responses = [acc[k] for k in original_keys if k in acc] if acc else [] if failed_payloads: self.reset_all_metadata() raise FailedPayloadsError(responses, failed_payloads) returnValue(responses) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _send_request_to_coordinator(self, group, payload, encoder_fn, decode_fn, **kwargs): """ Send a request to the coordinator broker for a group. This is used for the group membership requests that also have non-list request payloads. :param str group: Coordinator group name :param payload: """ coordinator = yield self._get_coordinator_for_group(group) if coordinator is None: raise CoordinatorNotAvailable("Coordinator not known for group {!r}".format(group)) broker = self._get_brokerclient(coordinator.node_id) request_id = self._next_id() encoded_request = encoder_fn( client_id=self._clientIdBytes, correlation_id=request_id, payload=payload, ) log.debug('%r: _srtc %s -> %s', self, _ReprRequest(encoded_request), broker) response = yield self._make_request_to_broker( broker, request_id, encoded_request, expectResponse=True, **kwargs) decoded = decode_fn(response) # keep ourselves updated on error codes that interest our metadata self._handle_responses([decoded], True, consumer_group=group) returnValue(decoded)
def _normalize_hosts(hosts): """ Canonicalize the *hosts* parameter. >>> _normalize_hosts("host,") [('', 2909), ('host', 9092)] :param hosts: One of: - A comma-separated string of hostnames - A sequence of strings of the form ``host`` or ``host:port`` - A sequence of two-tuples of the form ``('host', port)`` Types are aggressively coerced for the sake of backwards compatibility, so all of the following are valid:: b'host' u'host' b'host:1234' u'host:1234,host:2345' b'host:1234 , host:2345 ' [u'host1', b'host2'] [b'host:1234', b'host:2345'] [(b'host', 1234), (u'host', '234')] Hostnames must be ASCII (IDN is not supported). The default Kafka port of 9092 is implied when no port is given. :returns: A list of unique (host, port) tuples. :rtype: :class:`list` of (:class:`str`, :class:`int`) tuples """ if isinstance(hosts, bytes): hosts = hosts.split(b',') elif isinstance(hosts, _unicode): hosts = hosts.split(u',') result = set() for host_port in hosts: if isinstance(host_port, (bytes, _unicode)): res = nativeString(host_port).split(':') host = res[0].strip() port = int(res[1].strip()) if len(res) > 1 else DefaultKafkaPort else: host, port = host_port host = nativeString(host) port = int(port) result.add((host, port)) return sorted(result)