API Documentation

KafkaClient objects

class afkak.KafkaClient(hosts, clientId=None, timeout=10000, disconnect_on_timeout=False, correlation_id=0, reactor=None, endpoint_factory=<class 'twisted.internet.endpoints.HostnameEndpoint'>, retry_policy=<function backoffPolicy.<locals>.policy>)[source]

Cluster-aware Kafka client

KafkaClient maintains a cache of cluster metadata (brokers, topics, etc.) and routes each request to the appropriate broker connection. It must be bootstrapped with the address of at least one Kafka broker to retrieve the cluster metadata.

You will typically use this class in combination with Producer or Consumer which provide higher-level behavior.

When done with the client, call close() to permanently dispose of it. This terminates any open connections and release resources.

Do not set or mutate the attributes of KafkaClient objects. KafkaClient is not intended to be subclassed.

  • reactor – Twisted reactor, as passed to the constructor. This must implement IReactorTime and IReactorTCP.
  • clientId (str) – A short string used to identify the client to the server. This may appear in log messages on the server side.
  • _brokers – Map of broker ID to broker metadata (host and port). This mapping is updated (mutated) whenever metadata is returned by a broker.
  • clients

    Map of broker node ID to broker clients. Items are added to this map as a connection to a specific broker is needed. Once present the client’s broker metadata is updated on change.

    Call _get_brokerclient() to get a broker client. This method constructs it and adds it to clients if it does not exist.

    Call _close_brokerclients() to close a broker client once it has been removed from clients.


    Despite the name, clients is a private attribute.

    Clients are removed when a full metadata fetch indicates that a broker no longer exists. Note that Afkak avoids doing a full metadata fetch whenever possible because it is an expensive operation, so it is possible for a broker client to remain in this map once the node is removed from the cluster. No requests will be routed to such a broker client, which will effectively leak. Afkak should be enhanced to remove such stale clients after a timeout period.

  • timeout (float) – Client side request timeout, in seconds.
  • timeout (float) – Client-side request timeout, in milliseconds.
  • endpoint_factory

    Callable which accepts reactor, host and port arguments. It must return a twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint.

    Afkak does not apply a timeout to connection attempts because most endpoints include timeout logic. For example, the default of HostnameEndpoint applies a 30-second timeout. If an endpoint doesn’t support timeouts you may need to wrap it to do so.

  • retry_policy

    Callable which accepts a count of failures. It returns the number of seconds (a float) to wait before the next attempt. This policy is used to schedule reconnection attempts to Kafka brokers.

    Use twisted.internet.application.backoffPolicy() to generate such a callable.

Changed in version Afkak: 3.0.0

  • The endpoint_factory argument was added.
  • The retry_policy argument was added.
  • timeout may no longer be None. Pass a large value instead.
clientId = 'afkak-client'

Permanently dispose of the client

  • Immediately mark the client as closed, causing current operations to fail with CancelledError and future operations to fail with ClientError.
  • Clear cached metadata.
  • Close any connections to Kafka brokers.
Returns:deferred that fires when all resources have been released

Deprecated alias of load_coordinator_for_group()


Determine the coordinator broker for the named group

Returns a deferred which callbacks with True if the group’s coordinator could be determined, or errbacks with CoordinatorNotAvailable if not.

Parameters:group – group name as str

Discover topic metadata and brokers

Afkak internally calls this method whenever metadata is required.

Parameters:topics (str) –

Topic names to look up. The resulting metadata includes the list of topic partitions, brokers owning those partitions, and which partitions are in sync.

Fetching metadata for a topic may trigger auto-creation if that is enabled on the Kafka broker.

When no topic name is given metadata for all topics is fetched. This is an expensive operation, but it does not trigger topic creation.

Returns:Deferred for the completion of the metadata fetch. This will fire with True on success, None on cancellation, or fail with an exception on error.

On success, topic metadata is available from the attributes of KafkaClient: topic_partitions, topics_to_brokers, etc.


Clear all cached metadata

Metadata will be re-fetched as required to satisfy requests.


Reset cache of what broker manages the offset for specified groups

Remove the cache of what Kafka broker should be contacted when fetching or updating the committed offsets for a given consumer group or groups.

NOTE: Does not cancel any outstanding requests for updates to the consumer group metadata for the specified groups.


Remove cached metadata for the named topics

Metadata will be fetched again as required to satisfy requests.

Parameters:topics – Topic names. Provide at least one or the method call will have no effect.
send_fetch_request(payloads=None, fail_on_error=True, callback=None, max_wait_time=5000, min_bytes=4096)[source]

Encode and send a FetchRequest

Payloads are grouped by topic and partition so they can be pipelined to the same brokers.

Raises:FailedPayloadsError, LeaderUnavailableError, PartitionUnavailableError
send_offset_commit_request(group, payloads=None, fail_on_error=True, callback=None, group_generation_id=-1, consumer_id='')[source]

Send a list of OffsetCommitRequests to the Kafka broker for the given consumer group.

  • group (str) – The consumer group to which to commit the offsets
  • payloads ([OffsetCommitRequest]) – List of topic, partition, offsets to commit.
  • fail_on_error (bool) – Whether to raise an exception if a response from the Kafka broker indicates an error
  • callback (callable) – a function to call with each of the responses before returning the returned value to the caller.
  • group_generation_id (int) – Must currently always be -1
  • consumer_id (str) – Must currently always be empty string

List of OffsetCommitResponse objects. Will raise KafkaError for failed requests if fail_on_error is True

Return type:


send_offset_fetch_request(group, payloads=None, fail_on_error=True, callback=None)[source]

Takes a group (string) and list of OffsetFetchRequest and returns a list of OffsetFetchResponse objects

send_offset_request(payloads=None, fail_on_error=True, callback=None)[source]
send_produce_request(payloads=None, acks=1, timeout=1000, fail_on_error=True, callback=None)[source]

Encode and send some ProduceRequests

ProduceRequests will be grouped by (topic, partition) and then sent to a specific broker. Output is a list of responses in the same order as the list of payloads specified

  • payloads – list of ProduceRequest
  • acks – How many Kafka broker replicas need to write before the leader replies with a response
  • timeout – How long the server has to receive the acks from the replicas before returning an error.
  • fail_on_error – boolean, should we raise an Exception if we encounter an API error?
  • callback – function, instead of returning the ProduceResponse, first pass it through this function

Return type:

a deferred which callbacks with a list of ProduceResponse


FailedPayloadsError, LeaderUnavailableError, PartitionUnavailableError


Determine if the given topic is fully replicated according to the currently known cluster metadata.


This relies on cached cluster metadata. You may call load_metadata_for_topics() first to refresh this cache.

Parameters:topic (str) – Topic name
Returns:A boolean indicating that:
  1. The number of partitions in the topic is non-zero.
  2. For each partition, all replicas are in the in-sync replica (ISR) set.
Return type:bool

Advise the client of possible changes to Kafka cluster hosts

In general Afkak will keep up with changes to the cluster, but in a Docker environment where all the nodes in the cluster may change IP address at once or in quick succession Afkak may fail to track changes to the cluster.

This function lets you notify the Afkak client that some or all of the brokers may have changed. The hosts given are used the next time the client needs a fresh connection to look up cluster metadata.

Parameters:hosts – (string|[string]) Hosts as a single comma separated “host[:port][,host[:port]]+” string, or a list of strings: [“host[:port]”, …]

Consumer objects

class afkak.Consumer(client, topic, partition, processor, consumer_group=None, commit_metadata=None, auto_commit_every_n=None, auto_commit_every_ms=None, fetch_size_bytes=65536, fetch_max_wait_time=100, buffer_size=131072, max_buffer_size=None, request_retry_init_delay=0.1, request_retry_max_delay=30.0, request_retry_max_attempts=0, auto_offset_reset=None, commit_consumer_id='', commit_generation_id=-1)[source]

A simple Kafka consumer implementation

This consumer consumes a single partition from a single topic, optionally automatically committing offsets. Use it as follows:

  • Create an instance of afkak.KafkaClient with cluster connectivity details.
  • Create the Consumer, supplying the client, topic, partition, processor function, and optionally fetch specifics, a consumer group, and a commit policy.
  • Call start() with the offset within the partition at which to start consuming messages. See start() for details.
  • Process the messages in your processor callback, returning a Deferred to provide backpressure as needed.
  • Once processing resolves, processor will be called again with the next batch of messages.
  • When desired, call shutdown() on the Consumer to halt calls to the processor function and commit progress (if a consumer_group is specified).

A Consumer may be restarted once stopped.

  • client – Connected KafkaClient for submitting requests to the Kafka cluster.
  • topic (str) – The topic from which to consume messages.
  • partition (int) – The partition from which to consume.
  • processor (callable) – The callback function to which the consumer and lists of messages (afkak.common.SourcedMessage) will be submitted for processing. The function may return a Deferred and will not be called again until this Deferred resolves.
  • consumer_group (str) – Optional consumer group ID for committing offsets of processed messages back to Kafka.
  • commit_metadata (bytes) – Optional metadata to store with offsets commit.
  • auto_commit_every_n (int) – Number of messages after which the consumer will automatically commit the offset of the last processed message to Kafka. Zero disables, defaulted to AUTO_COMMIT_MSG_COUNT.
  • auto_commit_every_ms (int) – Time interval in milliseconds after which the consumer will automatically commit the offset of the last processed message to Kafka. Zero disables, defaulted to AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL.
  • fetch_size_bytes (int) – Number of bytes to request in a FetchRequest. Kafka will defer fulfilling the request until at least this many bytes can be returned.
  • fetch_max_wait_time (int) – Max number of milliseconds the server should wait for that many bytes.
  • buffer_size (int) – default 128K. Initial number of bytes to tell Kafka we have available. This will be raised x16 up to 1MB then double up to…
  • max_buffer_size (int) – Max number of bytes to tell Kafka we have available. None means no limit (the default). Must be larger than the largest message we will find in our topic/partitions.
  • request_retry_init_delay (float) – Number of seconds to wait before retrying a failed request to Kafka.
  • request_retry_max_delay (float) – Maximum number of seconds to wait before retrying a failed request to Kafka (the delay is increased on each failure and reset to the initial delay upon success).
  • request_retry_max_attempts (int) – Maximum number of attempts to make for any request. Default of zero means retry forever; other values must be positive and indicate the number of attempts to make before returning failure.
  • auto_offset_reset (int) –

    What action should be taken when the broker responds to a fetch request with OffsetOutOfRangeError?

    • OFFSET_EARLIEST: request the oldest available messages. The consumer will read every message in the topic.
    • OFFSET_LATEST: request the most recent messages (this is the Java consumer’s default). The consumer will read messages once new messages are produced to the topic.
    • None: fail on OffsetOutOfRangeError (Afkak’s default). The Deferred returned by Consumer.start() will errback. The caller may call start() again with the desired offset.

    The broker returns OffsetOutOfRangeError when the client requests an offset that isn’t valid. This may mean that the requested offset no longer exists, e.g. if it was removed due to age.


Commit the last processed offset

Immediately commit the value of last_processed_offset if it differs from last_committed_offset.


It is possible to commit a smaller offset than Kafka has stored. This is by design, so we can reprocess a Kafka message stream if desired.

On error, will retry according to request_retry_max_attempts (by default, forever).

If called while a commit operation is in progress, and new messages have been processed since the last request was sent then the commit will fail with OperationInProgress. The OperationInProgress exception wraps a Deferred which fires when the outstanding commit operation completes.

Returns:A Deferred which resolves with the committed offset when the operation has completed. It will resolve immediately if the current offset and the last committed offset do not differ.

The last offset that was successfully commited to Kafka, or None if no offset has been committed yet (read-only).

Return type:Optional[int]

Offset of the last message that was successfully processed, or None if no message has been processed yet (read-only). This is updated only once the processor function returns and any deferred it returns succeeds.

Return type:Optional[int]

Gracefully shutdown the consumer

Consumer will complete any outstanding processing, commit its current offsets (if so configured) and stop.

Returns:Deferred that fires with the value of last_processed_offset. It may fail if a commit fails or with RestopError if the consumer is not running.

Starts fetching messages from Kafka and delivering them to the processor function.

Parameters:start_offset (int) – The offset within the partition from which to start fetching. Special values include: OFFSET_EARLIEST, OFFSET_LATEST, and OFFSET_COMMITTED. If the supplied offset is OFFSET_EARLIEST or OFFSET_LATEST the Consumer will use the OffsetRequest Kafka API to retrieve the actual offset used for fetching. In the case OFFSET_COMMITTED is used, commit_policy MUST be set on the Consumer, and the Consumer will use the OffsetFetchRequest Kafka API to retrieve the actual offset used for fetching.
Returns:Deferred that will fire when the consumer is stopped:
  • It will succeed with the value of last_processed_offset, or
  • Fail when the Consumer encounters an error from which it is unable to recover, such as an exception thrown by the processor or an unretriable broker error.
Raises:RestartError if already running.

Stop the consumer and return offset of last processed message. This cancels all outstanding operations. Also, if the deferred returned by start hasn’t been called, it is called with the value of last_processed_offset.

Raises:RestopError if the Consumer is not running.

Offset constants


Producer objects

class afkak.Producer(client, partitioner_class=<class 'afkak.partitioner.RoundRobinPartitioner'>, req_acks=1, ack_timeout=1000, max_req_attempts=10, retry_interval=0.25, codec=None, batch_send=False, batch_every_n=10, batch_every_b=32768, batch_every_t=30)[source]

Write messages to Kafka with retries and batching

  • clientKafkaClient instance to use
  • partitioner_class – Factory for topic partitioners, a callable that accepts a topic and list of partition numbers. The default is RoundRobinPartitioner.
  • req_acks (int) – A value indicating the acknowledgements that the server must receive before responding to the request
  • ack_timeout (float) – Value (in milliseconds) indicating a how long the server can wait for the above acknowledgements.
  • max_req_attempts (int) – Number of times we will retry a request to Kafka before failing the request.
  • retry_interval (float) – Initial retry interval in seconds, defaults to INIT_RETRY_INTERVAL.
  • codec – Compression codec to apply to messages. Default: CODEC_NONE.
  • batch_send (bool) – If True, messages are sent in batches.
  • batch_every_n (int) – If set, messages are sent in batches of this many messages.
  • batch_every_b (int) – If set, messages are sent when this many bytes of messages are waiting to be sent.
  • batch_every_t (int) – If set, messages are sent after this many seconds (even if waiting for other conditions to apply). This caps the latency automatic batching incurs.
send_messages(topic, key=None, msgs=())[source]

Given a topic, and optional key (for partitioning) and a list of messages, send them to Kafka, either immediately, or when a batch is ready, depending on the Producer’s batch settings.

  • topic (str) – Kafka topic to send the messages to
  • key (str) –

    Message key used to determine the topic partition to which the messages will be written. Either bytes or None.

    None means that there is no key, but note that that:

    • Kafka does not permit producing unkeyed messages to a compacted topic.
    • The partitioner_class may require a non-None key (HashedPartitioner does so).
  • msgs (list) – A non-empty sequence of message bytestrings to send. None indicates a null message (i.e. a tombstone on a compacted topic).

A Deferred that fires when the messages have been received by the Kafka cluster.

It will fail with TypeError when:

  • topic is not str
  • key is not bytes or None
  • msgs is not a sequence of bytes or None

It will fail with ValueError when msgs is empty.


Terminate any outstanding requests.

Returns::class:``Deferred` which fires when fully stopped.

Compression constants


No compression.


Gzip compression.


Snappy compression.

Snappy compression requires Afkak’s snappy extra. For example:

pip install afkak[snappy]

LZ4 compression. Not currently supported by Afkak.


Message construction

Use these functions to construct payloads to send with KafkaClient.send_produce_request().

afkak.create_message(payload, key=None)[source]

Construct a Message

  • payload (bytes or None) – The payload to send to Kafka.
  • key (bytes or None) – A key used to route the message when partitioning and to determine message identity on a compacted topic.
afkak.create_message_set(requests, codec=0)[source]

Create a message set from a list of requests.

Each request can have a list of messages and its own key. If codec is CODEC_NONE, return a list of raw Kafka messages. Otherwise, return a list containing a single codec-encoded message.


The encoding for the message set, one of the constants:

Raises:UnsupportedCodecError for an unsupported codec

Common objects

class afkak.common.BrokerMetadata(node_id, host, port)

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2

exception afkak.common.BrokerNotAvailableError[source]
errno = 8
exception afkak.common.BrokerResponseError[source]

One BrokerResponseError subclass is defined for each protocol error code.

  • errno (int) – The integer error code reported by the server.
  • retriable (bool) – A flag which indicates whether it is valid to retry the request which produced the error. Note that a metadata refresh may be required before retry, depending on the type of error.
  • message (str) – The error code string, per the table. None if the error code is unknown to Afkak (future Kafka releases may add additional error codes). Note that this value may change for a given exception type. Code should either check the exception type or errno.
errnos = {-1: <class 'afkak.common.UnknownError'>, 1: <class 'afkak.common.OffsetOutOfRangeError'>, 2: <class 'afkak.common.CorruptMessage'>, 3: <class 'afkak.common.UnknownTopicOrPartitionError'>, 4: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidFetchRequestError'>, 5: <class 'afkak.common.LeaderNotAvailableError'>, 6: <class 'afkak.common.NotLeaderForPartitionError'>, 7: <class 'afkak.common.RequestTimedOutError'>, 8: <class 'afkak.common.BrokerNotAvailableError'>, 9: <class 'afkak.common.ReplicaNotAvailableError'>, 10: <class 'afkak.common.MessageSizeTooLargeError'>, 11: <class 'afkak.common.StaleControllerEpochError'>, 12: <class 'afkak.common.OffsetMetadataTooLargeError'>, 13: <class 'afkak.common.NetworkException'>, 14: <class 'afkak.common.CoordinatorLoadInProgress'>, 15: <class 'afkak.common.CoordinatorNotAvailable'>, 16: <class 'afkak.common.NotCoordinator'>, 17: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidTopic'>, 18: <class 'afkak.common.RecordListTooLarge'>, 19: <class 'afkak.common.NotEnoughReplicas'>, 20: <class 'afkak.common.NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend'>, 21: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidRequiredAcks'>, 22: <class 'afkak.common.IllegalGeneration'>, 23: <class 'afkak.common.InconsistentGroupProtocol'>, 24: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidGroupId'>, 25: <class 'afkak.common.UnknownMemberId'>, 26: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidSessionTimeout'>, 27: <class 'afkak.common.RebalanceInProgress'>, 28: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidCommitOffsetSize'>, 29: <class 'afkak.common.TopicAuthorizationFailed'>, 30: <class 'afkak.common.GroupAuthorizationFailed'>, 31: <class 'afkak.common.ClusterAuthorizationFailed'>, 32: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidTimestamp'>, 33: <class 'afkak.common.UnsupportedSaslMechanism'>, 34: <class 'afkak.common.IllegalSaslState'>, 35: <class 'afkak.common.UnsupportedVersion'>, 36: <class 'afkak.common.TopicAlreadyExists'>, 37: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidPartitions'>, 38: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidReplicationFactor'>, 39: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidReplicaAssignment'>, 40: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidConfig'>, 41: <class 'afkak.common.NotController'>, 42: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidRequest'>, 43: <class 'afkak.common.UnsupportedForMessageFormat'>, 44: <class 'afkak.common.PolicyViolation'>, 45: <class 'afkak.common.OutOfOrderSequenceNumber'>, 46: <class 'afkak.common.DuplicateSequenceNumber'>, 47: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidProducerEpoch'>, 48: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidTxnState'>, 49: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidProducerIdMapping'>, 50: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidTransactionTimeout'>, 51: <class 'afkak.common.ConcurrentTransactions'>, 52: <class 'afkak.common.TransactionCoordinatorFenced'>, 53: <class 'afkak.common.TransactionalIdAuthorizationFailed'>, 54: <class 'afkak.common.SecurityDisabled'>, 55: <class 'afkak.common.OperationNotAttempted'>, 56: <class 'afkak.common.KafkaStorageError'>, 57: <class 'afkak.common.LogDirNotFound'>, 58: <class 'afkak.common.SaslAuthenticationFailed'>, 59: <class 'afkak.common.UnknownProducerId'>, 60: <class 'afkak.common.ReassignmentInProgress'>, 61: <class 'afkak.common.DelegationTokenAuthDisabled'>, 62: <class 'afkak.common.DelegationTokenNotFound'>, 63: <class 'afkak.common.DelegationTokenOwnerMismatch'>, 64: <class 'afkak.common.DelegationTokenRequestNotAllowed'>, 65: <class 'afkak.common.DelegationTokenAuthorizationFailed'>, 66: <class 'afkak.common.DelegationTokenExpired'>, 67: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidPrincipalType'>, 68: <class 'afkak.common.NonEmptyGroup'>, 69: <class 'afkak.common.GroupIdNotFound'>, 70: <class 'afkak.common.FetchSessionIdNotFound'>, 71: <class 'afkak.common.InvalidFetchSessionEpoch'>, 72: <class 'afkak.common.ListenerNotFound'>}
message = None
classmethod raise_for_errno(errno, *args)[source]

Raise an exception for the given error number.

Parameters:errno (int) – Kafka error code.
Raises:BrokerResponseError – For any non-zero errno a BrokerResponseError is raised. If Afkak defines a specific exception type for the error code that is raised. All such types subclass BrokerResponseError.
retriable = False
exception afkak.common.BufferUnderflowError[source]
exception afkak.common.CancelledError(request_sent=None, message=None)[source]
exception afkak.common.ChecksumError[source]
exception afkak.common.ClientError[source]

Generic error when the client detects an error

exception afkak.common.ClusterAuthorizationFailed[source]
errno = 31
exception afkak.common.ConcurrentTransactions[source]
errno = 51
exception afkak.common.ConnectionError[source]

alias of afkak.common.CoordinatorNotAvailable

exception afkak.common.ConsumerFetchSizeTooSmall[source]
class afkak.common.ConsumerMetadataResponse(error, node_id, host, port)

Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3

exception afkak.common.CoordinatorLoadInProgress[source]
errno = 14
exception afkak.common.CoordinatorNotAvailable[source]
errno = 15
exception afkak.common.CorruptMessage[source]
errno = 2
exception afkak.common.DelegationTokenAuthDisabled[source]
errno = 61
exception afkak.common.DelegationTokenAuthorizationFailed[source]
errno = 65
exception afkak.common.DelegationTokenExpired[source]
errno = 66
exception afkak.common.DelegationTokenNotFound[source]
errno = 62
exception afkak.common.DelegationTokenOwnerMismatch[source]
errno = 63
exception afkak.common.DelegationTokenRequestNotAllowed[source]
errno = 64
exception afkak.common.DuplicateRequestError[source]

Error caused by calling makeRequest() with a duplicate requestId

exception afkak.common.DuplicateSequenceNumber[source]
errno = 46
exception afkak.common.FailedPayloadsError[source]

FailedPayloadsError indicates a partial or total failure

In a method like KafkaClient.send_produce_request() partial failure is possible because payloads are distributed among the Kafka brokers that lead each partition.

class afkak.common.FetchRequest(topic, partition, offset, max_bytes)

Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class afkak.common.FetchResponse(topic, partition, error, highwaterMark, messages)

Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

exception afkak.common.FetchSessionIdNotFound[source]
errno = 70
exception afkak.common.GroupAuthorizationFailed[source]
errno = 30
exception afkak.common.GroupIdNotFound[source]
errno = 69
message = 'GROUP_ID_NOT_FOUND'
exception afkak.common.IllegalGeneration[source]
errno = 22
exception afkak.common.IllegalSaslState[source]
errno = 34
exception afkak.common.InconsistentGroupProtocol[source]
errno = 23
exception afkak.common.InvalidCommitOffsetSize[source]
errno = 28
exception afkak.common.InvalidConfig[source]
errno = 40
message = 'INVALID_CONFIG'
exception afkak.common.InvalidConsumerGroupError[source]
exception afkak.common.InvalidFetchRequestError[source]
errno = 4
exception afkak.common.InvalidFetchSessionEpoch[source]
errno = 71
exception afkak.common.InvalidGroupId[source]
errno = 24
message = 'INVALID_GROUP_ID'

alias of afkak.common.CorruptMessage

exception afkak.common.InvalidPartitions[source]
errno = 37
exception afkak.common.InvalidPrincipalType[source]
errno = 67
exception afkak.common.InvalidProducerEpoch[source]
errno = 47
exception afkak.common.InvalidProducerIdMapping[source]
errno = 49
exception afkak.common.InvalidReplicaAssignment[source]
errno = 39
exception afkak.common.InvalidReplicationFactor[source]
errno = 38
exception afkak.common.InvalidRequest[source]
errno = 42
exception afkak.common.InvalidRequiredAcks[source]
errno = 21
exception afkak.common.InvalidSessionTimeout[source]
errno = 26
exception afkak.common.InvalidTimestamp[source]
errno = 32
exception afkak.common.InvalidTopic[source]

The request specified an illegal topic name. The name is either malformed or references an internal topic for which the operation is not valid.

errno = 17
exception afkak.common.InvalidTransactionTimeout[source]
errno = 50
exception afkak.common.InvalidTxnState[source]
errno = 48
exception afkak.common.KafkaError[source]
exception afkak.common.KafkaStorageError[source]
errno = 56
exception afkak.common.KafkaUnavailableError[source]
exception afkak.common.LeaderNotAvailableError[source]
errno = 5
exception afkak.common.LeaderUnavailableError[source]
exception afkak.common.ListenerNotFound[source]
errno = 72
exception afkak.common.LogDirNotFound[source]
errno = 57
message = 'LOG_DIR_NOT_FOUND'
class afkak.common.Message[source]

A Kafka message in format 0.

  • magic (int) – Message format version, always 0.
  • attributes (int) – Compression flags.
  • key (bytes) – Message key, or None when the message lacks a key. Note that the key is required on a compacted topic.
  • value (bytes) – Message value, or None if this is a tombstone a.k.a. null message.
exception afkak.common.MessageSizeTooLargeError[source]
errno = 10
exception afkak.common.NetworkException[source]
errno = 13
exception afkak.common.NoResponseError[source]
exception afkak.common.NonEmptyGroup[source]
errno = 68
message = 'NON_EMPTY_GROUP'
exception afkak.common.NotController[source]
errno = 41
message = 'NOT_CONTROLLER'
exception afkak.common.NotCoordinator[source]
errno = 16

alias of afkak.common.NotCoordinator

exception afkak.common.NotEnoughReplicas[source]

The number of in-sync replicas is lower than can satisfy the number of acks required by the produce request.

errno = 19
exception afkak.common.NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend[source]

The produce request was written to the log, but not by as many in-sync replicas as it required.

errno = 20
exception afkak.common.NotLeaderForPartitionError[source]
errno = 6
class afkak.common.OffsetAndMessage(offset, message)

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class afkak.common.OffsetCommitRequest(topic, partition, offset, timestamp, metadata)

Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 0

class afkak.common.OffsetCommitResponse(topic, partition, error)

Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class afkak.common.OffsetFetchRequest(topic, partition)

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class afkak.common.OffsetFetchResponse(topic, partition, offset, metadata, error)

Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

exception afkak.common.OffsetMetadataTooLargeError[source]
errno = 12
exception afkak.common.OffsetOutOfRangeError[source]
errno = 1
class afkak.common.OffsetRequest(topic, partition, time, max_offsets)

Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0

class afkak.common.OffsetResponse(topic, partition, error, offsets)

Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


alias of afkak.common.CoordinatorLoadInProgress

exception afkak.common.OperationInProgress(deferred=None)[source]
exception afkak.common.OperationNotAttempted[source]
errno = 55
exception afkak.common.OutOfOrderSequenceNumber[source]
errno = 45
class afkak.common.PartitionMetadata(topic, partition, partition_error_code, leader, replicas, isr)

Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 0

exception afkak.common.PartitionUnavailableError[source]
exception afkak.common.PolicyViolation[source]
errno = 44
class afkak.common.ProduceRequest(topic, partition, messages)

Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class afkak.common.ProduceResponse(topic, partition, error, offset)

Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

exception afkak.common.ProtocolError[source]
exception afkak.common.ReassignmentInProgress[source]
errno = 60
exception afkak.common.RebalanceInProgress[source]
errno = 27
exception afkak.common.RecordListTooLarge[source]

The produce request message batch exceeds the maximum configured segment size.

errno = 18
exception afkak.common.ReplicaNotAvailableError[source]
errno = 9
exception afkak.common.RequestTimedOutError[source]
errno = 7
exception afkak.common.RestartError[source]

Raised when a consumer start() call is made on an already running consumer

exception afkak.common.RestopError[source]

Raised when a consumer stop() or shutdown() call is made on a non-running consumer

exception afkak.common.RetriableBrokerResponseError[source]

RetriableBrokerResponseError is the shared superclass of all broker errors which can be retried.

retriable = True
exception afkak.common.SaslAuthenticationFailed[source]
errno = 58
exception afkak.common.SecurityDisabled[source]
errno = 54
class afkak.common.SendRequest(topic, key, messages, deferred)

Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0

class afkak.common.SourcedMessage(topic, partition, offset, message)

Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

exception afkak.common.StaleControllerEpochError[source]
errno = 11

alias of afkak.common.NetworkException

exception afkak.common.TopicAlreadyExists[source]
errno = 36
class afkak.common.TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

exception afkak.common.TopicAuthorizationFailed[source]
errno = 29
class afkak.common.TopicMetadata(topic, topic_error_code, partition_metadata)

Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

exception afkak.common.TransactionCoordinatorFenced[source]
errno = 52
exception afkak.common.TransactionalIdAuthorizationFailed[source]
errno = 53
exception afkak.common.UnknownError[source]
errno = -1
exception afkak.common.UnknownMemberId[source]
errno = 25
exception afkak.common.UnknownProducerId[source]
errno = 59
exception afkak.common.UnknownTopicOrPartitionError[source]
errno = 3
exception afkak.common.UnsupportedCodecError[source]
exception afkak.common.UnsupportedForMessageFormat[source]
errno = 43
exception afkak.common.UnsupportedSaslMechanism[source]
errno = 33
exception afkak.common.UnsupportedVersion[source]
errno = 35